How many points do Teach The Teacher Courses give in Training/Specialty (e.g. IMT, CST) post applications?

Last Updated: 17th October 2024

Attending a Teach The Teacher course is not only a valuable opportunity to enhance your skills as an educator but also serves as a strong addition to your specialty application. Importantly, you can boost your specialty application by attending a Teach The Teacher course, for example in IMT points and CST grades. Whether you are pursuing a career in surgery, internal medicine, radiology, or other specialties, most UK medical specialties recognise the importance of teaching qualifications and many offer points towards your application for completing formal teaching courses like Teach The Teacher.

For medical professionals, the ability to teach is seen as a critical component of leadership and development within the NHS. Demonstrating your commitment to medical education through courses such as Teach The Teacher shows that you possess the skills necessary to educate the next generation of healthcare workers.

Specialties That Explicitly Credit Teach The Teacher Courses

Below, we highlight how various medical specialties reward candidates who have taken steps to develop teaching skills. It is important to note that while not all specialties explicitly provide points for attending a Teach The Teacher course, they still value it as a boost to your portfolio and an advantage during the interview stage.


Internal Medicine Training (IMT) – 1 Point

For applicants to IMT, completing a formal teaching course like Teach The Teacher adds 1 point to your application.

For 2025, IMT recruitment stipulates ‘this should be additional to any training received as part of your primary medical qualification. Training should be delivered with a duration of at least six hours (i.e. a one-day course) of synchronous (live) teaching time.’

Check out our 1-day Virtual Classroom (only £249), which fulfils the above criteria.



Core Surgical Training (CST) – Grade C

In the case of CST, completing a teaching course can earn you a Grade C in the teaching domain of your application.

For 2025, CST recruitment mentions: ‘This would include any form of educational event focused on learning the skills of teaching – such as a training the trainers course online or otherwise’

Check out our 1-day Virtual Classroom (which also provides the 2-day Online eCourse free) and 2-day Online eCourse, either of which fulfils the above criteria.



Radiology – 2 Points

If you’re applying for Radiology, completing teaching courses like Teach The Teacher over a duration of at least two days earns you 2 points for “evidence of other training in teaching methods.”

Check out our 1-day Virtual Classroom (which also provides the 2-day Online eCourse free) and 2-day Online eCourse, either of which fulfils the above criteria.


Histopathology – Up to 2 Points

For Histopathology applicants, Teach The Teacher courses provide the opportunity to gain up to 2 points on your application, depending on the length of training. 

– 1 point: I have had brief training in teaching methods lasting no more than 2 days

– 2 points: have had substantial training in teaching methods lasting more than 2 days

Check out our 1-day Virtual Classroom (which also provides the 2-day Online eCourse free) and 2-day Online eCourse. Attending both the Virtual Classroom and the Online eCourse can fulfil the criteria of training for more than 2 days.


Ophthalmology – 0.5 Points

In Ophthalmology applications, formal teaching qualifications can earn you 0.5 points in the teaching and training section of the application.

Check out our 1-day Virtual Classroom (which also provides the 2-day Online eCourse free) and 2-day Online eCourse, either of which fulfils the above criteria.

Elevate Your Medical Teaching Profile